2022 Euphausiid Season
Last Update On:   November 29, 2022  12:48 PM
Open Date Close Date Quota Area Area Description Quota Allowed Cumulative Ldg Remaining Quota
5-Jan-22 31-Mar-22 12A KNIGHT INLET (12-28 to 12-34) 0 0 0
5-Jan-22 31-Mar-22 13A BUTE INLET (13-18 to 13-22) 0 0 0
5-Jan-22 31-Mar-22 15A HOMFRAY/LEWIS/PRYCE CH. (15-5) 0 0 0
5-Jan-22 31-Mar-22 15B TOBA INLET (15-6) 0 0 0
5-Jan-22 31-Mar-22 16A JERVIS INLET (16-11 to 16-15) 55,545 55,545 0
    16C Scientific Licence access 0 0 0
Total 55,545 55,545 0
Note: The remaining quota from inlet QMAs will be added to 16B for the November opening
1-Nov-22   16B Strait of Georgia (15-1, 15-2, 15-3, 16-18 & ptn 16-11) 1,024,709 41,633 983,076
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